The 校友讲座系列 是一个 program that connects alumni with current students. 校友 are invited to speak at 上学校 assembly and visit classes.
12年的夏威夷大学, 来自波特兰公共卫生的社区健康促进专家在2月份的中学大会上发言.
乔纳斯·梅恩斯15 visited campus to present to the 上学校 as part of their Day of Dialogue. 观看视频 他在大会上的发言.
埃利奥特·奈,15岁 , a recent theater graduate of Sarah Lawrence College, will be joining the cast and crew of the 上学校 spring play, 《bet365官网》 领导一个木偶戏工作坊.
克洛伊·罗斯,12岁 是一个 artist, teacher, athlete, hiker and world traveler. 今年春夏, 她全程徒步旅行,190-mile Appalachian Trail from Georgia to Maine. As a certified Ashtanga and Vinyasa Yoga teacher, she enjoys working with students of all ages and abilities. For the past 14 years, Chloe has lead summer programs for young girls. She has also coached coed Ultimate frisbee and run several youth Ultimate camps. 2015年,她代表美国女子国家队参加了世界极限飞盘锦标赛.
离开韦恩弗莱特后,克洛伊去了科罗拉多学院,主修教育和工作室艺术. She has also studied German, French, Italian, and Dutch. Her love of travel took her many places including India, 赞比亚, 津巴布韦, 博茨瓦纳, 泰国, 越南, 墨西哥, 加拿大, 多米尼加共和国, 牙买加, 以及整个欧洲. 2018年秋天, she traveled to South America and hiked through Patagonia, played Ultimate Frisbee on the beach in Chile, 在阿塔卡马沙漠骑自行车和徒步旅行, volunteered in the Amazon Rainforest in Peru, and trekked across an ancient Incan trail to reach Machu Picchu. 读一篇韦恩弗里特电报 克洛伊的阿巴拉契亚小径旅行.
卢卡斯·奥尼尔,08年 是一个 纽约的单口相声演员和作家. After leaving the great state of Maine, 卢卡斯很快确立了自己作为国内最有前途的年轻喜剧演员之一的地位——他展示了顽皮和智慧的令人愉快的结合. 他在中西部各地的俱乐部和场地演出,并在各种节日上获得了全国的关注,包括著名的石灰石音乐节, 笑的头骨, 和布里奇顿喜剧节. 卢卡斯也有机会为国内一些最好的漫画作品开场——包括尼克·图恩, 马特Braunger, 凯文Nealon, 最重要的是, 尼克·图恩, 再一次。. Most recently, Lucas was named a Comedy Central “Up Next” Comedian for 2018. After Waynflete, Lucas went to Bowdoin College.
贝基·史密斯12岁 grew up in Freeport and graduated from Waynflete in 2012. She went on to major in geology at Bates College, and spent summers doing field work in California, 内华达, 新墨西哥, 亚利桑那州, 德州, 蒙大拿, 怀俄明, 爱达荷州, 和密苏里州. After some close encounters with border patrol, 响尾蛇, 还有棕色的隐遁蜘蛛, she has chosen a safe lab environment as her home base. 她现在在马萨诸塞大学阿姆赫斯特分校的生物地球化学实验室工作, w在这里 she does climate change research for her MS/PhD.
约书亚·布罗德,97年 担任蒂尔森的首席执行官, a Portland-based information technical implementation company, 在他的领导下, has grown from less than 10 employees to 360, 赢得了公司的第一名. 5000 list for the past consecutive seven years. 乔希领着几个大, 蒂尔森成功实施了由《bet365官网》资助的技术基础设施项目,其中包括光纤宽带智能电网的部署. Josh cut his teeth in leadership as an Army Signal Officer on missions in Europe, 中东, 和中亚地区, 在那里,他被授予铜星勋章,以表彰他在阿富汗为美国军队管理战术通信网络的贡献.S. 部队. Josh holds a Bachelor’s degree from Middlebury College. Josh是AT的毕业生&他在肯尼迪大学的“敬礼行动”中获得了创业学证书. Josh serves on boards at Skowhegan Savings Bank, Kleinschmidt Associates (a Pittsfield, Maine-based multi-national engineering firm), 缅因湾研究所, 以及软件初创公司NBT Solutions. 乔希和伊莉莎·金恩结婚了,他的儿子克莱顿在纽约的幼儿园上学. T的班级(Josh的K老师).
迈克尔·米. 给rtz, M.D. ’80 1984年在布朗大学获得环境研究学士学位,1990年在哈佛医学院获得医学博士学位. 他目前是布里格姆妇女医院心脏移植和机械循环支持项目主任,哈佛医学院医学教授. 他的研究兴趣包括心肾相互作用和晚期心脏病的新疗法. 他是美国心脏协会(American Heart Association)的前研究员,也是美国国立卫生研究院(National Institutes of 健康)职业发展奖的获得者. He is currently a principal investigator in the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Heart Failure Network, and a co-investigator in several other NIH-funded programs, 包括器官移植临床试验和围产期心肌病网络. He has published widely on heart failure pathophysiology and management, 特别关注晚期心脏病和机械循环支持. 他的妻子是乔安妮·沃尔夫, a pediatric oncologist and palliative care specialist in Boston, and has three wonderful children (Sam 23, 汉娜和本, a dog named Buddy and a cat named Yaz.
休·弗洛伊德的作品 在bet365官网高中就读期间,他对设计和技术的终身兴趣开始固化. In 2006, he entered Roger Williams University’s Architecture program. Freund州, “理解bet365官网的过程是我在Waynflete的最大收获之一.Freund最近代表美国参加了里约残奥会的三人声纳班. 在最后一场比赛中,他的队伍赢得了一枚银牌.
他曾是贝鲁特的一名记者, 威尔·多诺万03 在四大洲为国防部建立了战略供应和后勤平台, lived as an expatriate in five countries, and is currently CEO of a digital media startup. 他从学前班到十二年级在韦恩弗雷特大学当“终身学生”,毕业于乔治华盛顿大学,获得宗教研究学位.
02年的凯蒂·惠兰 is the Founder/Noter-in-Chief of The Lightning Notes, a short daily post to “help move the world forward.它的特色思想和故事提醒bet365官网,bet365官网很重要,改善世界是bet365官网的事. 在闪电笔记之前, Caitie was a Senior Foreign Policy Advisor in Congress, co-founded a school in India for lower-caste musicians, 在意大利养猪. 她毕业于布朗大学,在那里她共同发起了他们的社会创新倡议, and the Salt Institute for Documentary Studies, w在这里 she co-founded and chaired the Salt 校友 Board. She 是一个 Truman Scholar from the State of Maine.
玛戈·戴维斯·沃尔什,82年 在坎伯兰长大, Maine and after earning a BA in Psychology from Wheaton College, moved to New York City w在这里 she began a career in College and MBA recruiting. With over 20 years of experience in recruiting, 人员配置和员工发展, Margo最初在高盛的投资银行部工作,后来在国际人力资源咨询公司工作, 翰威特. In 2011, 她在坎伯兰县监狱做志愿者后意识到这一点,创办了MaineWorks, 没有工作, most just-released inmates don’t have a chance. MaineWorks是一家专门从事工业建筑领域的临时劳务派遣公司.
Jonathan Asen ' 05 grew up in Portland and attended Waynflete School for 14 years, graduating in 2005. He received his bachelor’s degree from Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut. 在三一学院期间,他抽出时间为参议员巴拉克·奥巴马的总统竞选工作. In 2009, he moved to Washington and worked at the White House for five years. He served in various capacities in the Office of Presidential Correspondence, 白宫办公厅主任办公室, and the Office of Legislative Affairs. 今年1月,乔尼搬回缅因州,担任缅因州众议院议长马克·埃夫斯的高级顾问. Jonny lives in Portland with his wife Annie Reiner. 他们在bet365官网相遇.
玛吉·克里斯蒂·基欧汉89年 得了B.A. with honors in Russian Studies from Amherst College in 1993, w在这里 she was a Samuel Wally Brown Scholar. 她随后获得了宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院的金融MBA学位. 过去的15年, Maggie has been a financial advisor to high net-worth individuals, foundations and endowments throughout New England from Goldman, 萨克斯 & Co.他在波士顿的办公室. 以前, 麦琪曾在前苏联为美国国际开发署和国际金融公司管理价值数百万美元的改革项目, 世界银行的一个分支机构. In addition to her work at Goldman 萨克斯, 麦琪目前任职于缅因社区基金会的投资委员会. 她还担任投资委员会主席,是John T. 戈尔曼的基础. Maggie lives in Hingham, MA with her husband and two teenage sons.
埃莉诺·卡洛特·惠特尼 是一位住在纽约布鲁克林的企业家、作家、摇滚音乐家和教育家. 她是巴鲁克学院公共管理硕士学位的骄傲获得者. For over a decade, Eleanor has worked with world-class museums. 作为纽约艺术基金会财政赞助项目官员,她管理并扩大了一个国家项目,使艺术家能够提高他们的筹款能力. 她还曾在布鲁克林博物馆、鲁宾艺术博物馆和POV/美国纪录片工作. She is currently the 社区 Outreach Coordinator at “塑造方法”, a 3D Printing community and marketplace and is the author of 成长, a practical field guide for starting a creative business. You can see a video of her February 2015 presentation at 上学校 Assembly 在这里.
杰迪戴亚·莫菲特,92年 received his MFA at Rhode Island School of Design in 2005, 最近,他获得了2011年和2012年国家雕塑协会颁发的德克斯特·琼斯奖. He completed a public commission for ‘Artlantic,’ an installation in Atlantic City curated by Lance Fung in 2013. 他的作品已在美国各地广泛展出,并于2015年1月在韦恩弗雷特画廊展出. Morfit在新泽西生活和工作, and is Associate Professor of Art at The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey. You can see a video of his December 2014 presentation at 上学校 Assembly 在这里.